Instagram was born in 2010, around the same time that some of the biggest names in YouTube history were launching their brands. Since then, the world of influencers has catapulted into the mainstream, and represents a very enviable career that is worth potentially millions of dollars. We’ve seen it all over the years, but that doesn’t mean the influencing trend is over; big brands everywhere are still looking to partner with these people, and we can see this in all kinds of industries.
We’ve been inundated with flashy, edited pictures for over a decade now, and the influencers of today’s generation are constantly branching out into new areas. Those influencers who post to their heart's content and share fashion blogs aren’t the only ones making money nowadays — and it’s time for some influencing in other areas. Yes, there are still people out there trying to sell you the latest “supersonic spoon” that will “bake you a cake,” but there is now a new realm of influencer — the casino content creator.
As ironic as it may sound, today’s digital world is an enormous factor in determining how we behave in reality. And that’s great news in many ways, because of the learning opportunities that are created; in fact, some of the biggest names in the content world are all about showing us new methods to improve our skills and better ourselves – sounds good, right? Learning online, and practicing in reality - these are the things that make social media what it is today.
Influencers are taking to TikTok, Instagram and even YouTube shorts, just to teach their followers how to beat the games, learn new skills, or get good at the things they love... all in aid of promoting their services and gaining new followers.
From branded collaboration to buying into certain skill workshops, these influencers are monetizing the casino and gambling scene from the comfort of their armchairs - and we’re along for the ride!
Let’s slow down a moment and check in with exactly what an influencer is, before we start looking at their relationship with the gambling industry. Ever scrolled down your feed and seen a young 20-something-year-old post about dog walking in her red lippy and false eyelashes, with a trusty Starbucks in hand? She’s most likely an influencer, because let’s be honest — we rarely doll up for those instances. Why do they do this? They want to promote something. It’s as simple as that.
It’s all about growing your followers on Instagram and those that gather thousands of followers often get paid huge amounts of money. If you were to say 20 years ago that you were going to make a living from your cell phone, people would have thought you were crazy. Today, anything can be promoted via social media, and it is all about building your brand image. Here’s the kicker: If you get people to like you, then they’ll like what you’re pushing. Simple.
The influencer in effect has shifted from a consumer to a fully-fledged “salesperson,” and their mindset has had to transform into their very own brand.
Clothing, beauty, homeware – if you can buy it, then you can influence it. But what about the non-physical products? Can they still be influenced? They can - and virtual spending and physical casinos are great examples of this.
Online casinos, virtual gaming, and crypto betting are now at the forefront of the influencer world, and influencers are helping grow the casino scene at an incredible rate. With an industry worth $59 billion and counting, it’s not surprising to hear that gambling attracts millions of players worldwide — and with influencers everywhere turning their hats to the game, it’s only getting bigger.
Influencers @LadyLuck and @payneInsider are currently two of the biggest names in casino influencing culture right now – and well, they’re thriving. LadyLuck has over 200k followers and she runs the most watched female-hosted betting channel on Youtube. Talk about doing it for the girls! If you want to learn more about gambling, whether you’re thinking of hitting the streets of Vegas or checking out the site,she’s the one to turn to for all the tips and knowledge! We all like to feel that we’re getting advice from a friend, and that’s the sensation influencers have managed to capture.
Betting brands are now seeking out real connections with the influencers they work with and ensuring that they offer genuine reasons to buy in and play their games. The world is changing, Instagram’s “flashy images” are dying out, and we’re now looking for influencers who offer up something different… Those who can be friendly, and those that provide genuinely great content. That means the influencers out there really have to put their energy into providing great tips that will give their followers an edge and help them engage with the world of casinos.
In the years to come, we think influencing is only going to get bigger and bigger, and since more people than ever are turning to the online space for guidance, it makes sense that casinos are keen to buddy up with the best influencers on the block. It will be interesting to see where this partnership goes next!